NAGA: The Day After Competition

Make Life your beach

So I went to war yesterday and I lost the battle by 1 point…But this was an amazing experience. The guy who beat me ended up placing in 2nd place in our weight class which let’s me know I can at least compete in this sport. I came into this competition with 2 days of practice and I’m very proud of what I accomplished. I am working on getting video of the actual match. My brother accidentally forgot how to use my video recorder but he saved the day by finding the guy who beat me because apparently he recorded the match. So hopefully we get a copy so I can see what I did right and figure out how I need to improve and to give you guys something cool to watch.

If there is something you want to do in life just go out there and do it. Understand the…

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NAGA: Day 2 of Training for Jujitsu Competition

Make Life your beach

Tomorrow I will be doing a Jujitsu competition at NAGA in Jacksonville Florida and it will be my first grappling tournament ever. Today was my second day training for the comp. Yesterday I practiced in a GI and today I practiced with no GI and tomorrow I will see how much of this training will stick with me.

Even though I have very little training under my belt I am confident that I can and will win. I know it will be a difficult task to make this a success but I trust myself to make the right decisions when I am on the mat. One thing I pride myself in is that I adapt well in situations that a normal person wouldn’t be comfortable in.

I’m not saying this will be easy but I know it won’t be easy to beat me. I don’t understand how to get tired…

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Patrick’s October 2015 Goals

Make Life your beach

October 2015 Goals

1. I am making $1,000 dollars this month through KDP, Create Space and Amazon Affiliate. I am doing this by hiring a couple more Virtual Assistants to focus on some of the daily activities that I have been doing and now that I am making over 500 bucks a month from this I can start investing that into hiring people to run certain aspects of my business while I focus on new ways to grow the business. (Bank)

2. I am helping the MLYB grow into a reputable brand by surrounding it with powerful minds and continue turning it into something great. For myself I am going to be more active with blogging and growing other social media outlets with videos, pictures and progress of our team and people that we are helping become powerhouses in their lives. (Book)

3. I am competing in my first jujitsu…

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Patrick’s Progression for September 2015

Make Life your beach

Hey Guys,

just want to give you all an update for what happened for me in the month of September. I was able to accomplish just about everything that I was hoping to complete this past month. I wanted to make 500 dollars online in 30 days and just barely missed it. Regardless it was a win because I doubled my earnings in 30 days and I was only twenty five bucks away from reaching this financial goal. Towards the end of the month I added some Virtual Assistants to the business and just in a couple days into October I can see a huge difference in profits. There is a possibility that I will reach my 1,000 dollars in 30 days this month which is very exciting. It will be hard work but I started seeing a snow ball effect 2 weeks ago and it seems like KDP is…

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Patrick’s September 2015 Goals

Make Life your beach

Patrick Withrow’s September Goals

1. In 90 days of creating my online business I was able to make over 500 dollars in revenue. In September I am making over 500 dollars in 30 days. I am an animal, I am a lion, I am a hunter and I am working hard and smart and I am making this financial goal come easily because of the unstoppable systems I have implemented into my day to day life.  (Make Life Your Bank Goal)

2. My long term fitness goal is to walk on to the Florida State University Football program. I am increasing my speed. Last month I found out my 40 time was a 4.6. I am making my 40 time faster. I am increasing my veritical. Last month I was able to dunk a volleyball and this month I am dunking a basketball. I have also made a…

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Patrick’s Progression for August 2015

Make Life your beach

Hey Guys!

August 2015 was very good to me! I almost completed everything that I set out to do for the month and I feel very accomplished and I am excited to keep this dedication to my dreams going for September. The film above is a video of myself dunking a volleyball. In the month of August I told myself I wanted to dunk a tennis ball, then a volley ball and then a basketball. I didn’t get to the basketball this month but I am proud to say that I accomplished the tennis ball and volley ball.

I had a great vacation with my family to the Outer Banks. I told myself in January that I was going to take my family on a vacation to the beach and some of them were throwing me curve balls saying they couldn’t make it or that I shouldn’t do this but…

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Breaking Bad Habits, Curing Addiction & Facing Your Fears!

Make Life your beach

Hey Guys,

I wanted to make this blog about breaking bad habits, curing addiction and facing your fears. It is something that we all have to go through, from drug addictions, social anxiety, committing or following through with what we tell people we’re going to do, the list goes on and on. In this blog I wanted to go over some of the habits, addictions and fears that I personally had to overcome and I want to share some quick strategies that may work for you too!

I have always been an anxious type of person, especially in social settings. What I did to overcome that fear of social anxiety was to build the courage up and face it like a warrior. I did the one thing that really scared me and I got up on a stage and attempted to make people laugh. I ended up doing very well and…

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Patrick’s August 2015 Goals

Make Life your beach

(Make Life Your Babe Goal)

1. I am spending as much time with family and friends. I am relaxing at the beach with my family August 8th to the 15th! I am doing morning rise yoga on the sand, riding jet skis, fishing, paddleboarding, drinking beers @ the pier with my bro, laying out in the sand getting a tan and swimming in the ocean. I am experiencing life and enjoying every minute of vacation with my family because I deserve it. I work hard. When I get back from family vacation I am spending time with family, friends, clients and people that are happy, positive, motivated and I am there for them and I am present and listening. I am grateful and ready for abundance. 

(Make Life Your Bank Goal)

2. I am publishing 5 more books on Kindle Direct Publishing which will give me a…

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Patrick’s Progression for July 2015

My Progression for July 2015

Make Life your beach

Hey guys!

I am one of the members of Make Life Your Beach (theMLYB). We started really growing last month as a team and I am very excited to see how my life progresses along with the other masterminds in the group. We all have different things going on in our lives and we all have different dreams and aspirations. I’m beyond grateful for this experience and to see this powerful movement grow rapidly. Today in this blog I am personally reflecting on my accomplishments for July 2015. The purpose for this is to show you that if you start today then eventually you can progress to where ever you want to go. It will take time and dedication. There are going to be times where it just sucks and it just seems like there is no purpose or reason for why your doing anything. But don’t quit! Enjoy…

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Check out this awesome opportunity!

Make Life your beach

Thank you for checking in on our blog: Make Life Your Beach! I want to tell you a little bit about what we stand for and what we’re trying to accomplish; we recently started this group for the sole purpose of creating a group of individuals who are blessed and motivated masterminds determined to be game changers and are simply striving for more in life while being thankful for what has already manifested. Even though we are very appreciative of all the dreams and goals we have already accomplished… We’re still hungry for more!

Our main goal is keeping each other accountable. Without accountability to our Mastermind group, the risk of failure increases greatly. We all have different dreams and aspirations as well as different strengths and weaknesses, but what sets us apart is that we won’t take no for an answer and we’re fully determined to create the…

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