My Simple Morning Routine

Creating Systems and rituals in your life will really help getting your life on the right page. It will help you focus on your goals and the things that really matter to you. Here is my current routine and hopefully it will give you inspiration to set up a system that works for you.

My Morning Routine

1. I wake up at 5am and immediately drink a 16 ounce bottle of water right by my bed.

2. I get a quick stretch in and practice deep breaths.

3. I go brush my teeth and smile in the mirror and try and make myself laugh whether its funny faces or impersonations.

4. I hop in the shower, clean my body and start thinking about what I’m grateful for in my life and I get excited for the day. I start thinking about what I would like to accomplish for the future.

5. I eat my breakfast and I make the effort to get a slow digestive carb for energy and a good source of protein to fuel my muscles.

6. I drink my wheatgrass and depending on the day I throw in some other vitamins or supplements.

7. I write my 3 goals for the day that I want to accomplish that are connected to my longer term goals.

8.  If I have early clients I train them first and then I get my workout in or if I have a later start with clients I will train beforehand.

9. I go and accomplish my 3 goals.

10. If there is still day light left and I have energy I’ll find something else to accomplish.

Living with Crohns

A few years ago I got diagnosed with Crohns. If you’re not familiar its a digestive issue where certain foods and habits can affect your intestines. For myself I got an abscess in my big intestine and the doctors had to surgically remove 14 inches out of my big intestine.

It use to be so painful to do anything and I wasn’t sure what to do. When I was on the prescriptions it would slightly make my body feel better but then my immune system would break down and I would get sick all the time. I then decided to go see a doctor that was more on the holistic side and she recommended Turmeric, Resevertrol, Probiotic and beano tabs for when I wanted to have some hot wings and watch ufc fights. 

If your diagnosed with this condition and your not sure what is flaring up your system then try using a food journal and keep track of how your body feels. Its not always the same for each person and sometimes food isn’t the cause. If your stressing out lately try doing the little things like drinking lots of water, getting a good amount of sleep, exercise and stay in a constant state of gratitude. You can even try acupuncture or yoga!

A lot of doctors say its hereditary but for myself I know I didn’t start feeling stomach discomfort until after a root canal. I recently started doing research on root canals and that is the only surgery that you leave dead tissue in your body. Which creates a feeding frenzy for bacteria. Its been linked to several cancers, digestive issues, arthritis and probably much more. I’ll save that for another blog but if you’re diagnosed with Crohns or Colitis and you’ve had a root canal I would look into ways to strengthen your oral health and/or getting your tooth removed.

I haven’t gotten mine removed yet but ever since I implemented a morning routine and evening routine of drinking lots of water, getting a good amount of rest and exercise. As well as staying away from fast food and fried food as much as possible and using the supplements my doctor has recommended and the essential oils that my girlfriend raves about I rarely have any issues with my body. I hope if your struggling with the same diagnosis this may help you get some ideas that will work for you!

Reward Yourself

I hope everyone is having a phenomenal start to their fantastic week. I hope your making your dreams come true but if your not then today is about rewarding yourself. Rewarding yourself for the small accomplishments and the huge ones!

Your may not be financially free and you don’t know what to do. You just want to live but you don’t know how to start. Maybe your spending 70 dollars a week, 208 a month and 3,360 bucks a year on smoking cigarettes. That’s a lot of money! You could invest that money on your dream body by getting a gym membership and a personal trainer, you could pick up a new hobby or you could take your family on an unforgettable summer vacation.

You might even be spending that same amount of money on fast food or some sort of addiction. There are so many decisions we make each day that we could cut out or change that would help us save money or to make better use of our time.

Think about the things want. What do you really wish for? What cool experiences do you want? What are your expectations? You might expect to have a 6 pack in 3 months but your buying a 6 pack every night because your depressed that you don’t feel happy with your body or your income. Your eating a bag of chips, drinking orange soda, playing video games until 2am but your feeling tired all the time and you want more energy and your dehydrated.

You know what you need to do. Its about actually doing it. Accomplish something today. Tomorrow isn’t for sure but right now is. What are you going to do today so that you have a better future 10 years down the line and 20 years down? Start rewarding your body and mind. Gain new knowledge, start exercising, create healthy systems in your life that will build that wall of success. 

Finding Your Mentors

Life is about having balance. A great way to find clarity in all areas of your life is seeking out mentors. People that have extreme success in places that you want to be phenomenal at.

You might have this ultimate business and its growing rapidly but your relationships with your family or your girlfriend or your wife is on a thin line. You could seek out professional advice or you could look to your friends that have great relationships with their family and figure out how they do it. How are they so close knit? What kind of habits have they established to keep this strong bond?

Maybe you have this great relationship with God and you read your Bible or Quran everyday or you pray everyday but your health is in terrible shape. You might want to seek out a dietitian to figure out if your nutrition is out of whack or go into a health club and get connected with a personal trainer that can set you up on a program that will lead you to that healthy dream body.

If you have this ultimate vision of how you want your life to be you need to surround yourself with experts in the areas that you lack in. It might be two mentors or maybe you need ten! But find the areas that are depressing you and make a change!

When I was starting out as a personal trainer I looked at the trainers with lots of clients and got as much information that I could from them so that I could be successful. When my finances weren’t in order I looked to other life coaches to figure out systems that I could implement in my life to start saving money. Anything that you want to be good at find those people that are so successful and ask questions, be around them, mimic the things they do and eventually you’ll be considered one of them.

Make it your goal today to find a mentor. Whether its from a business standpoint or financial or relationships or having a healthy lifestyle. Figure out what you need to improve or find the things that excite you in life and surround yourself with the people that build you up and make you better.

Create Your Vision

Visualization is the key to success and failure. If you constantly visualize the positives in your life you tend to receive more happiness. When your perspective is more on the negative side you start to attract things you don’t want.

When you wake up be happy! You just succeeded at breathing. Wiggle your toes or your fingers. Maybe you don’t have toes or fingers. Smile…Maybe you can’t see. Listen…Maybe you can’t hear.  Feel…touch the grass. Smell the air. Run, jump, skip…get excited for the day! Your here! Your here for a reason! Visualize what you want out of life. Your Imagination is so powerful and exciting and your having all these thoughts for a reason. They aren’t there so that you can get pissed off because you don’t have it. They’re there because its possible!

A couple days ago I created a new vision board so that every morning I wake up and every night before I go to bed I have clarity of what I want. Everybody has dreams and my dreams are no better than yours. But your the only person that has full control over what you can make happen. Believe in your dreams. Your life is such a beautiful master piece. God created you to be great! He gave you a personality, he gave you a world with unlimited possibilities and he gave you today! That is the only thing that is promised. Don’t be scared! Your so phenomenal! Your sexy! Your smart and brilliant! Tell yourself this everyday and believe it because its true!

Maybe start with a vision board. Here is a picture of mine. Hopefully it will give you a little inspiration on what you want with your life. You only get one. What are you going to do with yours?


Making Decisions & Sacrifices

What do you want out of life? Do you want a better relationship or that dream car? What dreams did you have as a kid when you were outside climbing trees and running around? My dreams and goals are always morphing but my ultimate goal is always the same and that is to grow.

When I was in high school I was tired of being skinny. I hated being called bones so I made the decision to leave that 120 pound frail body and in two years I got to 185 benching 315 lbs.

When I was 21 I found out I had an abscess in my big intestine and I had to get surgery. I went from 185 lbs to 135 lbs in 20 days. I was scared because when I was in the hospital it brought my attention to other dreams. I wanted more! I wanted more time. I wanted to spend more time with my family and friends. I wanted to travel more. I wanted to make people laugh and I wanted to be healthy!

I then started getting into Stand up comedy by doing one open mic, to traveling up and down the east coast, I started running my own shows in bars and clubs. But I was still feeling empty I wasn’t spending time with my family and I was so focused on making other people happy I forgot myself.

I had to make a sacrifice. I decided to get into personal training because I could relate to people that weren’t satisfied with their body and health. I started finding balance again, I felt like a kid! I was spending more time with family and friends. I was actually traveling more because my income went up substantially. I’ve been meeting new people and learning about them on a deeper level and building new relationships and I’m still able to have fun and joke around like a comedian. I’m listening more and learning more and everyday creating new experiences and making the life that I want.

Figure out today what you want. It may change over time but its all about being happy. If your not happy change something. Start loving yourself, start loving others, create new experiences and make your dreams come true! Make the sacrifice to stop being sad or unmotivated and make the decision to be happy and smile and breathe. Hug ten people today and see how it makes you feel. I bet you a million dollars your going to feel good. You know what you need to do! Create the game plan and execute it!


Whose ready to win today? Who here wants to be great? What have you done today that is going to give your life fulfillment now and for the long term?

Today I woke up at 5am and began my day as an unstoppable force with insane happiness and gratitude for everything that I have. I completed my morning ritual of making myself laugh in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I stretched, took a shot of wheatgrass, drank a bucket of water and replenished my nutrients with a great breakfast. I trained a bunch of amazing clients and I got a workout in for myself and the day isn’t even close to being over.

So what are you going to do today? Are you ready to build your empire of happiness and balance in all areas of your life? Are you going to conquer a fear? Maybe increase your health by exercising and eating a balance nutrition? Are you going to expand your business? How about booking a vacation to relax and cleanse your mind? Take all of today and make it yours! The world is out to give you great things. Its up to you to take it. Comment below and let me know what your going to do! If you need advice on what to do let me know. I would love to help!

30/90 Goal Progress

Today has been phenomenal and this week has been extremely productive towards my 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme!

Today I purchased the beach house I wanted for my family vacation in the Outer Banks for August 8th to the 15th! My girlfriend and I went on a nice relaxing hike through Gambrill State Park over the weekend and next weekend we’re going to trapeze which I’m super pumped about because I hate heights and I’ll get to bash that fear in the face for a little bit.
My training to dunk a basketball is going quite well! Only a little bit of progress but instead of only being able to jump and dunk here and there its starting to become second nature to grab and hang on the rim each and every time.
My clients have also been conquering their health and fitness goals along with creating balance in all areas of their life’s. And for myself my client base is continuing to grow on a daily basis and I’m grateful to be able to work with new people each day and get them on the right page with their health and fitness dreams!
My blog has been consistent which has been another goal of mine and I hope they’ve been giving you the motivation to get your life on the right track or to inspire you to continue working hard towards your aspirations in life!

If you haven’t already, check out my 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme! For myself its been keeping myself accountable to reaching my goals and keeping myself motivated and excited for each day. I still have a few goals that I need to tackle but I’m very close to completion and I can’t wait to share with you the progress. Its only been a week into my 90 days and I’m determined to crush them!

Quick Tips on Finding the Right Relationship

Do you wish you for that perfect someone? Are you wondering why you don’t have a love life? Is your heart broken? Here are some quick helpful tips on getting yourself on the dating track to finding the right relationship for you.

The best advice I could say to you is find yourself! What are you good at or what do you want to be good at? Focus on those things because you have full control on starting up cool new hobbies or getting back into old ones. Think about your last relationship. Where were you in life? When I met my girlfriend she had came to a comedy show that I put together. I started focusing on creating happiness in my life and figuring out the things I was interested in. I gave up on searching and when I finally stopped trying to force relationships she came into my life. If I had never got the courage to start the dream of stand up comedy I would of never met her and I would have never created these new experiences. Think about that for a minute. What do you want out of life? By following these two simple guidelines your life in all areas will improve substantially!

create hobbies, be busy, accomplish things, laugh, have fun, love yourself and be able to enjoy life by yourself. Spend time with family and friends. Surround yourself with the people you aspire to be like.

Stay confident, healthy and happy at all times. Don’t get down when someone thinks your a dork! Just wait and keep enjoying life.

Have a great rest of the weekend and put yourself in a state of mind where people are going to be attracted by your happiness. I’m telling you it works. Try it for 30 days and I would love to hear your testimonials.

The 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme

Today I am sharing with you my 90 day plan for balance in my life and to hopefully give you some inspiration to set up a 90 day and 30 day program on structuring your life plan according to your longer term goals.

For myself in the next year I have certain aspirations that I would like to accomplish. They aren’t just financial dreams or health goals but I go beyond that and I figure out what means the most to me. I put my ideas down into sections that will give my life balance and they vary from person to person. Find the things that matter to you in your life. Whether its family and friends, travel, God or spirituality, financial power, conquering fears, whatever they may be write them all down! You can go as far as your 20 year, 10 year, 5 year, 2-3 year, all the way to your goals that you want to accomplish this year! Once you have all that written out what would you need to accomplish in the next 90 days and 30 days? What would excite you and fulfill your life for the short term and long term?

Take some time to think about it. Get yourself in a happy state of mind. Think about all the things you wish you could do. There are no limits, its endless. Your just writing it on a piece of paper. Down below you can look at my 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme and I hope it inspires you!

The 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme

1. I’m going to create an inspirational video to put up on the internet. I will be starting on this over the weekend by meeting up with my brother in law who is amazing at video editing and he is going to help me film this project and we will get it uploaded by May 16th. After my first video I would like to get a second video uploaded by July 14th! I would like to keep this consistent starting bi monthly to hopefully get it to where I have a weekly blog video or funny music video or silly skit on a weekly basis. But the goal for these videos will be to encourage people with their dreams and desires but also have a little fun and use my sense of humor and quirky imagination to create hilarious videos for my family and friends.

2. I am going to take my niece out for her Birthday and get her a super sweet present, maybe she will be in the mood to see a movie or go putt putting. Whatever her heart desires I want to make it happen this month…because her Birthday is April 21st and that would be bad if I forgot to celebrate her phenomenal beautiful life.

3. I am going to be extremely passionate and the most caring person that I can be with my clients every day. I am going to make them laugh and feel confident in their body and mind and help them accomplish their short term fitness goals and get them closer to their 6 month and 1 year goals!

4. I am going to put my heart and soul into my blog posts, connect with my followers, stay consistent with putting out content that is fresh and new and things that I believe in and that help with my life. I am going to give my readers excitement for their futures and informative information that will help people accomplish their goals or give them inspiration to start new goals.

5. I am going to create a 90 day program today that will help me be able to dunk a basketball by July 14th and once I find the formula that helps me succeed at this goal I will share the video with friends and family and to my connected readers. I will also give out the complete layout of what worked for me and that way if other short people have this same dream to dunk it may help them succeed as well. This is a current video of how close I am to Dunking!…I Can Grab the Rim! Just a couple months ago I could only touch the net. I’m very close to accomplishing this goal and I’m excited. Check the video out and see how far I need to go to make this dream real.

6. I am going to reserve a beach house in the Outer Banks for this Summer in August and I am going to complete the first payment by May 16th and the last payment by July 14th and I will take my whole family that consists of my parents, two brothers, two sisters, two brother in laws, my girl friend, my brothers girl friend and my eight nephews and nieces. I am going to pay for this whole vacation by myself and they’re going to be ecstatic! Oh and my parents dog and my brothers dog. So it has to be pet friendly you know what I mean?

7. I am going to have a weekly date night with my girl friend. I want us to go rock climbing, check out a new museum in DC, go hiking, eat at new restaurants, take a ceramic or some sort of art class!…Because I need to make up for accidentally falling asleep in the middle of the Cinderella movie that recently came out. So my goal for the next 90 days is to get 15 new amazing well thought out adventures that we can experience together and create lasting new memories!

8. I am going to save $2,000 to $3,000 dollars for a good ole black pick up truck because everybody needs a truck to haul things around and I always see exciting deals on craigslist and I’ve always wanted a black truck. They look really cool to me so by June 1st I am going to find the perfect black truck that fits me and I’m going to pick it up and put the windows down and drive down some back roads with some country music going.

9. I just recently purchased this ATEC T3 professional batting tee because I play for this summer wooden bat league and a couple weeks ago I looked at my statistics from last season and I was embarrassed. I am going to start with the basics and practice on making my swing better. My goal is to consistently do this a couple days a week but my 90 day goal is to hit .300, steal the most bases, score the most runs and hit 2 home runs this season for the Frederick Flying Dogs.

10. I am going to read the Old Testament in the bible. I love learning about history and religion and I want to be as opened minded as possible about different cultures and just being in a state of mind where I’m ready to learn. First I’m going to start with the one that I’ve been raised with growing up and then eventually I would like to make this a hobby to learn as much as possible about different religions and world history in general and just have a better understanding of how we grew as a society or perhaps devolved in some eyes.

11. I am going to start bike riding to work at least 5 times to see if I enjoy it and to save a little money on gas and at the same time get some exercise and also get my body prepared for a future triathlon that I would like to complete in the next 18 months. I’ve completed a half marathon and I would like to accomplish a marathon this year before I do a triathlon but I might as well start practicing my biking.

So there you have it guys. This is my current and up to date 30/90 Power System & Life Strategy Scheme. I hope when you read this it got your mind flowing with exciting new ideas or brought back old ones that you wished you had already accomplished. But now is the time to do it! Grab your headphones put on some Rhianna or some music that you enjoy and that gets you in that happy state of mind and write and get excited to accomplish these dreams! Because it’s going to happen!